Motu News

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131 - 140 of 159 items

Gold Ranking for CaDDANZ Team

The 2014/15 Annual Report from the CaDDANZ team (including Dave Maré) was recently awarded a Gold rating by MBIE. This means the project is performing above expectation. Only 12 percent of projects received this highest…

Hautahi Kingi wins Motu Thesis Scholarship

Hautahi Kingi (Nga Rauru, Te Atihaunui a Paparangi) a PhD candidate in economics at Cornell University in the United States is the winner of this year’s $10,000 Motu Thesis Scholarship. “We are immensely glad to be…

How much effort should New Zealand make on climate change?

As New Zealand shapes its contribution to global mitigation, it needs to consider five factors: setting targets top-down versus bottom up; choosing the balance between domestic and global contributions; assessing fairness; assessing costs; and creating a domestic pathway toward zero-net…

Cut down on red meat, buy an EV and reduce your climate impact

How much we spend on  Food, transport and power can  Help solve climate change.  New research has identified where households can make a real difference to their greenhouse gas emissions – and cutting down on red meat and…

Sticker discount for earthquake-prone commercial buildings

Summary Haiku Buildings declared prone To fall in quakes, fall in price.* *Conditions apply. Media Release Since devastating earthquakes struck Canterbury nearly five years ago, public interest in seismic safety has sharply increased. The economic impact of the rebuild is…

Corey Allan wins Heading West Award

Corey Allan has been given the Heading West Award. This award gives Corey free travel and accommodation for the 2016 AARES Annual Conference in Canberra. Corey will present on land use in New Zealand, building on…

Marsden Funding for skilled migration research

New Zealand has the highest skilled emigration rate in the OECD at 24.2 percent, yet our understanding of the forces driving our skilled graduates overseas is limited. Isabelle Sin, a researcher at Motu Economic and Public…

Productivity and low-skill employment growth

New Zealand’s strong employment growth between 2001 and 2012 drew in a disproportionate number of lower skilled workers. This change offset the growth in skill of the New Zealand work force by 1.8%. “The overall change…

Oxford University Presentation on Immigrant Intergration Podcast

Motu affiliate Jacques Poot recently presented work by Arthur Grimes, Matthew Roskruge and himself at Oxford University. The presentation is podcast here. In this presentation Poot compares immigrant and native-born social capital formation by means of…

Overhauling NZ’s Emissions Trading Scheme

The recent report from the Ministry for the Environment has lead the Green Party’s co-leader, James Shaw to call for an overhaul of NZ’s Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) and to include agriculture. “In NZ, 48% of…