
Our objective of enhancing research infrastructure has led us to develop and document datasets and to make this data readily available to other researchers and graduate students. As an ongoing project, we are developing a standard approach to documentation. Currently, few datasets can be downloaded directly, but some are accessible on demand.

All data has been compiled with the intention that it will be used for research purposes. If you are intending to use any for commercial purposes, you will need to contact the original source(s) of the data. While Motu has endeavoured to ensure the accuracy of the data and documentation, neither we nor the original source(s) accept liability for any errors or omissions.

Databases are listed in alphabetical order.


Baseline Nitrogen Export Coefficients for NManager (R9981)

This data gives the assumed baseline nitrogen leaching per hectare for land in the Lake Rotorua catchment depending on land use. This data set was provided by NIWA as part of the design and building of NMANAGER.


Census Population 5-Year Age-Bands
This dataset contains data on population counts broken down by 5-year age-bands, at area unit level and territorial authority level for the year 1981. Only a select few area units (Patea, Moerewa, Wairoa, Waipukurau, Takapau, Mataura, Horotiu, Makarewa, Whakatu, Fairton, Paeora, Clive) and territorial local authorities (Hastings District, South Taranaki) have data recorded.


Census Population Work and Labour Force Status (1981)
This dataset contains data on the population work and labour force status for the census year 1981. It classes individuals as either: full-time, part-time, unemployed, or unidentified status. Only a select few area units (Patea, Moerewa, Wairoa, Waipukurau, Takapau, Mataura, Horotiu, Makarewa, Whakatu, Fairton, Pareora, Clive) and territorial local authorities (Hastings District, South Taranaki District) are included.


Census Unoccupied Dwelling Status (2006)
This data documents the status of unoccupied dwellings in 2006. Only a select few area units (Patea, Moerewa, Wairoa, Waipukurau, Takapau, Mataura, Horotiu, Makarewa, Whakatu, Fairton, Paeora, Clive) and territorial local authorities (Hastings District, South Taranaki) have data recorded.


Consumption-based Greenhouse Gas Emissions Input-Output Model
A carbon intensity vector is derived and shows the emissions associated with one dollar of gross output by various industries.


Dairy Data from LIC
This dataset contains dairy stocking rates and milk solid production rates in New Zealand, by territorial authority, from 1998-2008.


Emissions Trading Scheme Forecasting Data - OIA16-0167
This data was received by Motu as the result of an Official Information Act request (OIA16-0167) it made to the Ministry for Primary Industries. The data received details a number of important metrics about ETS registered forestry that had not previously been release. For example, it includes a size and age breakdown of ETS registered forestry land.


House size by age: special data from Statistics NZ, 1996-2006
This spreadsheet contains data on the size of houses people over 65 live in, 1996 and 2006, disaggregated by various sub-populations of people over 65.


Housing tenure by age, census 2006
This spreadsheet contains data on the housing tenure of people in NZ in 2006, disaggregated by age.


Years at Usual Residence Age Group and Sex for the Census Usually Resident Population Count 1991 1996 2001 2006
This spreadsheet contains data on various aspects of the over 65 population in New Zealand compiled by Statistics New Zealand and released by them in the publication “New Zealand’s 65+ population” (2007: chapter 6).


New Zealand’s 65+ population 2007 chapter 6: housing
This spreadsheet contains data on various aspects of the over 65 population in New Zealand compiled by Statistics New Zealand and released by them in the publication “New Zealand’s 65+ population” (2007: chapter 6).


New Zealand’s 65+ population 2007 chapter1 - population
This spreadsheet contains data on various aspects of the over 65 population in New Zealand compiled by Statistics New Zealand and released by them in the publication “New Zealand’s 65+ population” (2007: chapter1).


Department of Conservation Land Map 2003
The Department of Conservation (DoC) land register is a GIS database of conservation land, covering the New Zealand mainland and offshore islands. Conservation land includes Crown land held under the Conservation Act, Reserves Act, National Parks Act, Wildlife Act, Marine Reserves Act, and the Marine Mammals Protection Act. It excludes seabed or foreshore not set aside for a particular purpose. The map also includes private or Maori land that has legal protection through a conservation covenant or Nga Whenua Rahui kawenata, a lease to the Minister of Conservation, agreement under s76 Reserves Act, easement held by the Minister of Conservation, sanctuary refuge or management area under the Wildlife Act. In addition, the map includes other conservancy land for which DOC has information (mostly local authority reserves). The database contains approximately 18,000 polygons referred to as “conservation units”. Polygon areas are recorded in hectares to 4 decimal places, but are not very accurate (Froude, 1999). (Motu restricted dataset 6.)


Fisheries Database: Quarterly ITQ Data and Monthly Price Data
This archive contains two restricted datasets used in Motu's fisheries work. The first, "Quarterly ITQ Data," contains quarterly information on fisheries catch volume, lease price, quota price, and export price for all the fishstocks in New Zealand's quota management system as of 1998. The second, "Monthly Catch and Export Prices for Binding Fishstocks," contains monthly data on catch, average export price for perishable products, lease price, and TACC for 49 stocks whose total annual catch has either been greater than or come within 10% of the year's total allowable catch, for at least 5 years in the period 1986 to 2000.


Forest Profit Expectations Dataset - U10073
A dataset on estimated forest profit expectations. Data on net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR) are included; data on equal annual equivalent and land expectation value can be derived. Now out of date.


Forest Profit Expectations Dataset - 1990-2013
This dataset updates the one developed in Olssen et al, (2012) - listed above. This is a panel dataset giving expected forest profitability at time of planting across New Zealand for the years 1990-2013. As well as updating the existing data, some minor corrections were made; these are detailed in the additional notes below.


Land Cover Database 2 Map
Land Cover Database 2 (LCDB2) is a thematic classification of 43 land cover and land use classes covering mainland New Zealand, near shore islands and the Chatham Islands. The first Land Cover Database (LCDB1) was completed in 2000 using SPOT satellite imagery acquired over the summer of 1996/97. LCDB2 was released in July 2004 and used Landsat 7 ETM+ satellite imagery acquired over the summer of 2001/02. This release also reports land cover/land use changes for the five-year period between the two acquisitions of satellite imagery. (Motu restricted dataset 1.)


Land Environments of New Zealand (LENZ) map 2002
LENZ (Land Environments of New Zealand) provides an environmental classification for New Zealand. It identifies climatic and landform factors likely to influence the distribution of species, and uses these factors to define a landscape classification that groups together sites that have similar environmental conditions. One important advantage of this approach, as opposed to directly mapping land cover for example, is its ability to predict the potential character of sites where natural ecosystems have been substantially modified. (Motu Restricted dataset 4.)


Land Use Capability (LUC) Map 2002
Each polygon was classified on a discrete scale from 1 to 8. Class 1 land is best for sustained agricultural production, while class 8 land has severely limited uses (Froude, 1999). Classes 1 to 4 are considered suitable for multiple land uses including arable cropping, while classes 5 to 7 are only suitable for pastoral grazing and forestry. Class 8 is not suitable for any productive use. LUC subclasses and units further classify land based on dominant limitation and management requirements. (Motu restricted dataset 3.)


Land Use New Zealand (LUNZ) Map
LUNZ is a comprehensive land use dataset for New Zealand that was created by Landcare Research using information from AgriBase, LCDB2, LENZ and MAF monitor farm types. The dataset was created as part of the CLUES project (Woods et al, 2006). The smallest unit of observation is a sub-farm: a piece of land on a specific farm with a unique land cover type. As AgriBase is not comprehensive, land use for farms with missing information had to be inferred using other sources of information. (Motu restricted dataset 2.)


Land Use New Zealand (LUNZ) Map with 1996 Land Cover and Ownership Information
This GIS dataset combines information from the LUNZ map (created by Landcare Research Ltd), LCDB2 and ownership data: for each LUNZ polygon, Maribeth Todd, the creator of this dataset, added information on its 1996 land cover and land ownership. (Motu restricted dataset 9950.)


Land Use New Zealand (LUNZ) Map with Slope Information
This data set was created by Maribeth Todd. She combined information from the slope map from LENZ and the Land Use New Zealand map (created by Landcare). The attributes of the final map includes all attributes from LUNZ as well as maximum, minimum, median slopes for each polygon (i.e. each sub-farm of LUNZ). (Motu restricted dataset 9951.)


Land Use Rural Panel of New Zealand - Revised
Constructed from the Rural Economies database (DDLU10025), the Land Use Rural Panel (LURP) database separates pasture land into dairy and sheep & beef land according to stock numbers. The original dataset determined stocking rates using an optimization procedure by Liang and Hendy. This revised dataset uses Livestock Improvement Corporation (LIC) stocking rates.


Legacy Loads for Lake Rotorua 1920-2099: Estimations from ROTAN (R9979)
This data gives the legacy loads from historic land use for the Lake Rotorua catchment. Nutrients leach from the catchment into the groundwater and then into the lake. The legacy loads are the leaching from the groundwater to the lake.


Local Authorities Finance Data
This data provides annual information from each local council between 1991 and 2008. Local council revenues are fragmented by rates, whereas expenditures are fragmented by service and other trading/consolidated activities. Operating budgets for refuse, water, sewerage included, as well as equity. Searchable index of data notes by council and problem type.


Map of potential farm classes and earning before interest and tax (EBIT) from pastoral activities
The dataset has two GIS layers. The first layer is the potential farm by class and by region map in 2002. It is derived using sheep-beef farm class and region definitions from Meat and Wool Ltd and dairy region definitions from MAF. The second layer uses the first one as a base map to present the average (1990 to 2007) potential profitability (EBIT per ha) for being a farm of a certain class in a certain region.


Migration and the Environment (Galapagos)
This dataset includes demographic data of the Galapagos Islands in English and Spanish. It contains information between 1950 and 2001 for Galapagos Islands, but time period could vary for different variables.


National Exotic Forestry Description
Statistical tables that describe New Zealand’s planted forests area in detail, and forest activity data such as planting and harvesting.


New Zealand Monitor Farm Data
The New Zealand Monitor Farm Data (NZMFD) is a merged dataset of two sources. The first source, called financial data, contains information on the financial status of farms. These data were collected by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF)[1] under the Farm Monitoring Programme, which was designed to provide an annual aggregated overview of a range of farm types throughout New Zealand. The second source documents information about each farm’s physical production inputs alongside their economic and environmental outcomes. As with the financial data, most of the input information was collected by MAF, while the environmental outcomes were calculated using OVERSEER® (Overseer) version 6.2.1


New Zealand State Housing Dataset 1993-2009
Housing New Zealand Corporation (HNZC) generously provided us with a dataset on 80,983 state houses covering the period 31 January 1936 to 16 February 2010. This derived dataset includes a tidied version of this raw dataset, with data spanning the period 1993 - 2010.


New Zealand Urban Population Data
This spreadsheet shows the workings to derive the populations of 60 towns and cities in New Zealand.


Ownership map of New Zealand 2002
The Corax Mobile data layer of New Zealand cadastral boundaries (derived from data held by Land Information New Zealand) and GIS shape files of Department of Conservation (DoC) land, other Crown land, and Māori land were intersected to give an ‘ownership’ shape file showing broad land-ownership information: DoC land, other publically owned or covenanted land, Māori land, and privately owned land. (Motu restricted dataset 5.)


Parcel Data for Lake Rotorua Catchment for NManager (R9980)
This data gives the land parcels for the Lake Rotorua catchment. This data was derived by NIWA and was provided to Motu as part of the design and building of NMANAGER.


Pastoral productivity index map
This dataset is a useful tool for determining rural land values. Baisden (2006) developed indices designed to estimate the biological productivity of land when used for pastoral and forestry production. He used a ‘Storie Index’ approach, where indices of co-limiting soil and climate factors are multiplied together to give a productivity index. The Storie Index approach has been actively in use in California for over 60 years. For more information download the dataset documentation. (Motu restricted dataset 7.)


Population Census Documentation
This documentation was undertaken as part of Motu’s Foundation for Research, Science and Technology-funded “Adjustment and Inequality” research programme. The document presents New Zealand population census unit record data between 1986 and 2001. It includes an introduction to the population census and also brief summary tables for variables used in the research programme.


QVNZ sales and valuation data
The database contains information on New Zealand property sales and valuations. Sales data is available from 1981 to 2006 at a quarterly level for TLAs and annually at MB and AU level. Valuation data is available annually at MB, AU and TLA level from 1990 to 2006. Values for each unit will change when new valuation or sales information available. Motu also holds copies of customised data for Auckland region, and for rural land uses.


Regional Authorities Finance Data
This data provides annual information for each region in NZ between 1991 and 2008. Regional council revenues are fragmented by rates, whereas expenditures are fragmented by services and other trading/consolidated activities. Operating budgets for refuse, water, sewerage (for unitary councils), environmental monitoring, bio-security, rivers (drainage included), as well as equity. Searchable index of data notes by council and problem type.


ROTAN Consistent Parcel Data for NManager - R9984
The data is given in two sheets. The first sheet gives each parcel in the Lake Rotorua catchment, the amount of land assigned to each land use and the regulatory information for the parcel (lag zone & MRT). Combining all three parts of this information is the accomplishment of this data set. Initially we had all this information in three different data sets (R9983, R9982 and R9980).The second sheet compares the data against the numbers we have for ROTAN from NIWA. It also provides land use divided over the lag zones.


ROTAN Land Use Data (R9982)
LC_All_R2P68_Clip4 is an ArcGIS feature layer that gives detailed land use for the Lake Rotorua catchment. This map was provided by NIWA. ROTAN, NIWA’s catchment water model, works from this map.


Sheep and Beef Farm Survey Data, 1980-2008
This dataset provides sheep and beef farm information on area and livestock numbers, capital structure, expenditure, gross margin of livestock, income and sale prices from 1980 to 2008. This data was gathered from Meat and Wool Economic Service (MWES) surveys. The dataset is classified by 5 regions and by 8 classes, which are defined by Meat and Wool Economic Service. (Motu restricted dataset 9954.)


Sheep and Beef Farm Survey
Documentation for Sheep and Beef Farm Survey, including farm performance indicators, by farm class. Available from Beef + Lamb New Zealand Economic Service.


The Philpott Database: Macroeconomic and Industry Measures, 1959-2002
This archive contains many data sets collected by Professor Bryan Philpott of the Economics Department, Victoria University, Wellington in the 1970s and 1980s. The data are macroeconomic and industry measures of the economy like GDP, Employment, and Capital Stocks for the period 1959-1998, when they were last up-dated by Professor Philpott. The tables are set out in the NZ Standard Industrial Classification system (NZSIC) and new data is converted from the more modern ANZSIC system currently in use. Certain tables have been updated to 2002 by R Johnson on an NZSIC basis.