Motu News

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61 - 70 of 165 items

Research aims to help identify future recessions

In Aotearoa, before the GFC a ‘normal’ rate of insolvencies involved about 13 businesses failing every year. Failures ranged from large corporates usurped by innovative upstarts to businesses whose product didn’t survive the test of…

Friendlier skies: a win-win solution to reduce aviation CO2 emissions

Carbon dioxide emissions from aircraft are projected to triple between now and mid-century, even if substantial technology and operational improvements are implemented to make flying more energy efficient. Absent policy constraints, this explosive growth rate…

Population growth pushes up house prices but the share of migrants doesn't

There has been widespread recent concern that strong increases in immigration flows have caused a housing crisis in New Zealand. “We know that between 1986 and 2013, the number of foreign-born New Zealand residents more than…

Lowering emissions without breaking the bank

India’s economy is booming, driving up electric power consumption to unprecedented levels. The nation’s installed electricity capacity, which increased fivefold in the past three decades, is expected to triple over the next 20 years. At…

Do people move to places that are better for business or better for fun?

A new study from Motu Economic and Public Policy Research for the Building Better Homes, Towns, and Cities National Science Challenge uses a deep-dive analysis of census rent and wage data to look at whether…

Controlling emissions under rapid economic growth

How South Korea can meet its Paris climate pledge at low cost South Korea’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the Paris Agreement on climate centers on a pledge to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 37…

Māori, disabled people, prisoners, and people in poverty suffer human rights violations in New Zealand

All images taken from our data portal, and freely available for use. To explore the data in full, go to the HRMI website. 2019 HRMI Human Rights Country Report: Executive Summary on New ZealandThe Human Rights Measurement Initiative…

Climate Change Legislation Reform a Complex Tango

Commentary on Tranche Two Decisions on the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme  by Catherine Leining Reforming New Zealand’s climate change legislation is a complex tango. Where the Zero Carbon Amendment Bill leads, NZ ETS amendments must follow.…

Pacific migrants just as likely to be employed as other migrants, but lower paid

Three years after arriving in New Zealand, 95 percent of Pacific migrants were either very satisfied or satisfied with New Zealand. Isabelle Sin, Senior Fellow at Motu Economic and Public Policy Research, researched a group of…

Local growth - it’s complex!

Current European regional policy promotes “smart specialisation” by encouraging regions to expand into activities that “build on local strengths.” Smart specialisation rests upon the idea that bringing together people with complementary skills helps them generate…