Motu researchers win NZAE prizes

Jul 3, 2022

Our researchers won several prizes this year at the New Zealand Association of Economists (NZAE) Conference 2022.


Our senior fellows Arthur Grimes and Dave Maré and affiliate Stuart Donovan won two prizes for their paper Cities with forking paths? Agglomeration economies in New Zealand 1976-2018. The paper was awarded the 2022 NZ Economic Policy Prize (for the best contribution to analysis of economic policy in or applied to NZ), plus the Stata Prize (for excellence in graphics communications). 



Our research fellow Jaimie Monk won the 2022 Jan Whitwell Prize (for the best presentation of work done as a Doctoral student) for her paper The effect of screen time on child behaviour problems: an instrumental variable approach.

Shannon Minehan, one of Motu's Research Analysts won the Best NZ Economics Honours Dissertation 2022 with her thesis The Face of Success.


Well done to everyone who participated.