Motu Women on equitable, effective climate transition

Aug 26, 2021

All children should be able to expect a future where they have the opportunity to thrive.  Climate Change itself is one of the greatest threats to that future so acting on it effectively and fast is essential. We still have choices about how we halt climate change. More equitable decision-making and action both within our own society and across diverse countries, all of which must rapidly head toward net zero, has a moral imperative and may also make the transformational change we seek more effective and durable. 


Thursday 26th August @ 12.30- 2pm
Presenter: Suzi Kerr
Panelists: Lynn Riggs, Ana Pueyo, Catherine Leining

Suzi Kerr is at the forefront of international climate change research and policy. In her current role as the chief economist at the Environmental Defense Fund in New York City, Suzi looks at how economic forces can be used to address climate change rather than drive it. Until May 2019, Suzi was a Senior Fellow, and from 1998 - 2009 Founding Director, at Motu Research

The Panel: 
Lynn Riggs is a Senior Fellow at Motu. Dr Riggs developed the Distributional Impacts Microsimulation of Employment for the Climate Change Commission to assess the potential effects of proposed emissions budgets on employment and worked with MBIE to analyse the emissions exposure of workers, firms, and regions.
Ana Pueyo is a Research Fellow and the Project Manager for the Climate Teams initiative at Motu. Dr Pueyo trained as an Economist and completed her PhD in Industrial Engineering, focusing on renewable energy technology transfer to developing countries. Anna has advised policymakers in the UK, Spanish and EU Governments about energy and climate policy, air quality and green procurement.
Catherine Leining is a Policy Fellow at Motu leading our research and engagement programme on “Shaping New Zealand’s Low-Emission Future.” Catherine has over 26 years of international policy experience with specialisation in climate change mitigation. She helped to design the NZ ETS and served on the New Zealand delegation to the UNFCCC negotiations.

The presentation will be followed by a panel discussion and an opportunity for audience Q & A. 

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Thanks to The Treasury, the Productivity Commission, Stats NZ and EECA for their generous support.

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