How can Aotearoa New Zealand best approach immigration policy to boost productivity and wellbeing?

Jun 16, 2022


Who migrates to Aotearoa New Zealand and what skills do they bring? What impact do migrants have on our economy? How can we create an immigration system fit for the future?


Immigration is complex in its causes and effects. It’s a major topic of public and policy debate.


In this seminar, the Productivity Commission presented its recent inquiry on immigration and its final recommendations to the NZ Government on what immigration policy settings would best help Aotearoa New Zealand’s long-term economic growth, productivity and the wellbeing of New Zealanders. Here are the slides presented by the Productivity Commission at the seminar.


About the Productivity Commission’s immigration inquiry.


The seminar took place on Thursday 16t June 2022.

Presenters: Philip Stevens and Ganesh Nana (Productivity Commission)

Discussants: Dr Richard Bedford (University of Waikato), Arthur Grimes (Motu Research) and Rachel Simpson (Manager for Education, Skills and Immigration at BusinessNZ).



Philip Stevens is Director, Economics & Research at the New Zealand Productivity Commission Te Kōmihana Whai Hua o Aotearoa. He is an economist with twenty-years’ experience of economic and social research in the university, independent and public sectors.


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Thanks to The Treasury, the Productivity Commission, Stats NZ and EECA for their generous support.

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