The Warmer Kiwis Study: An impact evaluation of the Warmer Kiwi Homes programme.

Jan 27, 2022

The Warmer Kiwis Study focuses on the heat pump component of the Warmer Kiwi Homes programme, and works directly with a group of about 160 homeowners, who have received, or will receive a grant for an efficient heater. Motu Economic & Public Policy Research, who are leading the study, are collecting new data on health and wellbeing, the indoor environment in homes (including temperature and humidity), and electricity consumption to investigate the actual improvements achieved through EECA’s programme. The study began in 2021, with interim results the subject of this webinar and an interim report to be published on the same day. Final results will be published in December 2022.

12.30pm, Thursday 27 January 2022
Presenters: Arthur Grimes, Phoebe Taptiklis, and Caroline Fyfe 
Participants: Nina Campbell, Gareth Gretton, Kate Kolich 

Motu Presenters: 

Arthur Grimes is a Senior Fellow at Motu and Professor in the Chair of Wellbeing and Public Policy at Victoria University of Wellington’s School of Government. Arthur’s current research focuses on urban economics (including housing and infrastructure), and the economics of wellbeing and public policy.
Caroline Fyfe (Motu Research Fellow) Caroline's current work examines the relationship between improving the thermal efficiency of housing and health outcomes and the use of economic and geospatial analysis in the areas of health and the environment.
Phoebe Taptiklis (MPH, Motu Research Fellow) Phoebe’s past research has focussed on housing conditions, and her current work is increasingly involved in energy efficiency and alternative energy solutions.

EECA Participants: 

Nina Campbell and Gareth Gretton are senior advisors at EECA and have been co-leading the impact evaluation for EECA. Nina is a social scientist specialised in energy efficiency and climate change policy. At EECA she leads on integrating human-centred energy thinking. Gareth is an engineer with a background in sustainable energy. At EECA he leads on energy-efficient buildings. Kate Kolich is Manager Evidence Insights and Innovation EECA


The presentation will be followed by an opportunity for audience questions.


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Thanks to The Treasury, the Productivity Commission, Stats NZ and EECA for their generous support.

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